Happy Thursday: A Moment of Silence and a St. Roch/Marigny/Bywater Ride (July 24)

This week we will be meeting at St. Roch Tavern. At the beginning of this week’s ride we will be proceeding directly to the intersection of Elysian Fields and St. Claude and pay our respects to our fellow fallen cyclist Geric Geck, who was killed in a fatal traffic collision at that intersection last Thursday. We ask that those who wish to bring flowers take this opportunity to place them on and around the ghost bike.

A few things to note:

– This is NOT a protest of any kind
– We will NOT be blocking traffic
– Everyone is cautioned to be very careful during this short stop and to remain on the neutral ground, as this is a busy intersection

We will depart St. Roch Tavern at 7:45 sharp. We will begin the ride with a somber tone as a show of respect. Once we have placed flowers and observed our moment of silence, we will depart the neutral ground and resume our weekly Happy Thursday festivities, and it will become a celebration. We should depart the neutral ground no later than 8:15.

We will ride through St. Roch/Marigny/Bywater and end the night at Frenchmen and Decatur, where our newly-installed NSR Bike Corral is located. Scott Edwards Photography Studio & Gallery and Downtown Tattoos are showing their appreciation for this group’s contribution to secure bike parking on Frenchmen St by pouring up some free Sailor Jerry Rum, and the photography studio will remain open after our arrival.

There is no costume theme this week. A tracker will be posted for anyone who is running late.


Please note: Our goal is always to create a safe environment for all riders. We cannot control, nor do we desire to control, every rider’s behavior. Every rider is individually responsible for taking care of themselves and for the safe operation of their bicycles. Every person that joins the ride is accepting the risks which are inherent in riding a bicycle with a large group of other people riding bicycles. Please be courteous to each other as well as other traffic on the roadways, be safe and always be sure to leave no trace! Please also read and abide by the 10 Rules of the Ride, which can be found here: http://www.nolasocialride.org/rulesoftheride/

Please share this event on your timeline and use the “invite friends” button to invite others to join. For your friends that aren’t on Facebook, just send them to NolaSocialRide.org for info.

If you would rather get your NSR info through other avenues, check these links out:
Web: http://nolasocialride.org/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/nolasocialride
Email Blast: http://goo.gl/ZXBmu

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