Happy Thursday July 17: Voodoo Island Tiki Ride!

Voodoo Island Tiki Ride

This Week is the Voodoo Island Tiki Ride!

The ride will be meeting on the back porch of Manning’s (http://goo.gl/maps/TpLAr). Be sure to ask for the specials, as riders get 1/2 price appetizers and 2 for 1 drinks! If you plan on eating, it’s best to show up and get your order in early!

Since we are going to be doing a Westbank Ride next week that will likely end in the French Quarter, we are going to head into the Lower Garden District on this ride!  It will shake up our usual rotation and give us a chance to ride in some areas that we have trouble reaching on our usual Uptown routes.

The afterparty this week will be at Creole Gardens (1415 Prytania St), where there will be off street bike parking, and they will be serving up $4 bowls of Jambalaya, $4 Voodoo Juice Mixed Cocktails, and $3 beers!

Grab your Hawaiian shirts, tiki torches, grass skirts, voodoo dolls, and come get lei’d with us!


Please note: Our goal is always to create a safe environment for all riders. We cannot control, nor do we desire to control, every rider’s behavior. Every rider is individually responsible for taking care of themselves and for the safe operation of their bicycles. Every person that joins the ride is accepting the risks which are inherent in riding a bicycle with a large group of other people riding bicycles. Please be courteous to each other as well as other traffic on the roadways, be safe and always be sure to leave no trace! Please also read and abide by the 10 Rules of the Ride, which can be found here: http://www.nolasocialride.org/rulesoftheride/

See you at Manning’s!

RSVP at our Facebook Event Page

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