Happy Thursday: It’s Getting Hot Out Here in Mid-City, June 12

This Week’s Theme is “It’s Gettin’ Hot Out Here”

With the World Naked Bike Ride New Orleans coming up this weekend and the temperatures steadily rising, it’s time to strip down to the bare essentials for maximum cooling effect. Sweat bands and workout clothes are encouraged, as well as parodies of your favorite celebrity fitness instructors. No full nudity please (save that for Saturday) – but go as bare as you dare! As always the themes are completely optional – but they are a lot of fun if you choose to participate!

The ride will meet and greet at Finn McCool’s Irish Pub at 7:00PM, and will hit the streets around 7:45PM. Finn’s will offering a draft beer special with $0.50 off Miller and Abita drafts. @Boo Boo Koo BBQ & Burgers is extending their Happy Hour of $2 off nachos and burgers for us. If you are running late and want to make sure your food is ready on time, please call (504) 265-8997 and pre-order!

Afterparty is TBD and will be updated soon.

Please note: Our goal is always to create a safe environment for all riders. We cannot control, nor do we desire to control, every rider’s behavior. Every rider is individually responsible for taking care of themselves and for the safe operation of their bicycles. Every person that joins the ride is accepting the risks which are inherent in riding a bicycle with a large group of other people riding bicycles. Please be courteous to each other as well as other traffic on the roadways, be safe and always be sure to leave no trace! Please also read and abide by the 10 Rules of the Ride, which can be found here: http://www.nolasocialride.org/rulesoftheride/

See ya at Finn McCool’s!

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