We had some stickers and tee shirts made up to help spread the words, “Happy Thursday!” If you haven’t been on a ride lately, and would like some schwag, fear not we still have some. We have ample supply of our stickers that are in 2 different designs. 1 is yellow and says, “Happy Thursday” (pictured above), and the other is black. They are pictured above.
Our t-shirt stock is dwindling, but we have all the sizes covered from small to XXL. Some are on white, black, and some have been tie-dyed. Shirts are $20 for plain or $25 for tie-die. All shirts have “People, Bikes, and NOLA” written on the bottom, and appear like the image below. A fleur de lis is placed on the back of a few of the dyed shirts. If you’d like some schwag, contact us at nolasocialride@gmail.com. If we do not have your size in stock, we will be placing an order again soon. Stickers can be bought from Josh for $1 at Bayou Bicycles in Mid-City, or on one of our rides. We can work it out if you’d like it shipped, but we’d prefer you meet us for a ride soon!