Tips for Our New Happy Thursday Riders

We want to welcome all of our new riders that have joined us! Here are some tips to make your ride safer, and more fun:

Keep in Mind:
– Please get lights, front and rear! They also keep you safe and they are the law! Also: more lights = more fun!
– Please stay to the right, be it a 1, 2, or 5 lane street. You never
know when a car will make a quick turn, and we want to be safe and
– Please pass the word backwards and forwards, as riders
will shout warnings whether it be “stop, pothole, glass, car back,
walker up, slow down, flat tire, etc” Also speak up if you see anything!
– Know your bicycle, your limits, and be aware of the people and objects around you. Everyone rides at their own risk!
– Get the phone number of a regular rider, in case you are running late, fall behind, or get lost!
– Please keep up with the group, and help keep everyone together!
– If you need assistance, flag down on of our Ride Rangers.

As always:
– We put safety first
– We respect all drivers, no matter what they drive
– We leave NO TRACE!
– Costumes are optional, but encouraged!

– Bring a friend or two or three
– Bring something to share
– Bring a spare tube, some tools, and a pump

Don’t Forget to:
– Tighten your nuts
– Lube your chain
– Inflate your tires

If you find yourself in front of the ride:
– Always yield to oncoming traffic (when in doubt, wait!)
– Always stop and wait for everyone before crossing major intersections
– Wait for traffic lights to cycle! (even on green)
– It’s not a race! (less gears = more cheers!)

Again, please respect your fellow riders, drivers, walkers, skateboarders, etc., and be kind to everyone!

And don’t forget to give out a few Happy Thursday’s!

Join our Facebook Group to get the earliest updates and discussion about everything Nola Social Ride!

Have a Happy Thursday, Everyday!
Slow Miles With More Smiles

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